Jahi Di’Allo Winston

Jahi Di’Allo Winston

Actor / Contact

Jahi Di’Allo Winston was born on November 30, 2003, in the United States. He is best known for playing the role of Young Simba on The Lion King on Broadway, but he joined the cast of the play in 2014. He also starred in Feed the Beast as Andre in 2016 alongside Jim Sturgess and David Schwimmer.

He also appeared in the TV-series The New Edition Story as Young Ralph Tresvan, The Upside, and the TV movie Libby and Malcolm. In 2018, he was in Proud Mary as Danny and in the TV series Everything Sucks! Where he plays the role of Luke O’Neil. Some of his latest projects include The Resident and The Plug. He is also set to appear in the 12 O’clock Boys.

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